My Books

The Things That Must Be Done

Ally leaves her sheltered upbringing for a modern life in the big city. 

Connor leaves a Nebraska dairy farm to pursue an engineering degree that results in a highly successful career in Chicago. 

The two find each other, marry, have two beautiful children, and are happily ensconced in the daily rat-race of competitive jobs and family duties.

Then Connor steps off a plane from a business trip to learn that his wife and children have been killed in a traffic accident.

Life, as he knew it, is over.

This is a story of one man’s journey through overwhelming grief. 

He must accept his new reality and do the things that must be done in order to heal and find a new life and – perhaps – even joy. 

He will need the help of old friends and new acquaintances. 

The road to recovery is a tortuous one – filled with controversy, adventure, exploration, romance, and heartbreak. The publication date for this manuscript is slated for early 2025.